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MercadoLíder Platinum


Ventas concretadas

Brinda buena atención


Axel Vervoordt began purchasing antiques in his teens and has steadily built a vast collection of exquisite objects from around the world. He is renowned for his prestigious exhibitions at major world antique fairs, including the New York Design Fair and TEFAF Maastricht. His interior designs, in both traditional and modern settings around the world, combine antiques from all continents with a Zen sensuality, and they blend the old with the new to create harmonious interiors. His unusual pairings may include Chinese porcelain with English furniture or a Roman relic alongside a 1930s Flemish painting.

The extent of Vervoordts talent is revealed in the twenty-three homes in Europe and the United States presented here through Christian Sarramons photographs. The variety of styles reflects Vervoordts eclecticism, and his authentic and welcoming interiors are inspirational treasure troves. From the rustic charm of a Swiss chalet to the classic finesse of a Bordeaux château to the modern allure of a Miami mansion, Vervoordts creations are perfectly in tune with the character and history of each space.


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