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#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Brilliant . . . a celebration of human ingenuity [and] the purest example of real-science sci-fi for many years . . . utterly compelling.The Wall Street Journal

The inspiration for the major motion picture

Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars.

Now, hes sure hell be the first person to die there.

After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that hes aliveand even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive.

Chances are, though, he wont have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old human error are much more likely to kill him first.

But Mark isnt ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skillsand a relentless, dogged refusal to quithe steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?



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