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Características del producto

Características principales

Título del libro
Captain America: Winter Soldier Complete Collection
Editorial del libro
Marvel Universe
Edición del libro
Tapa del libro

Otras características

Cantidad de páginas
0.52 kg
Tipo de narración


The instant-classic saga that brought Bucky Barnes back from the dead - and introduced the world to the Winter Soldier! The shocking murder of the Red Skull leaves an unfinished Cosmic Cube at large. Adding to the imminent danger, a cadre of the Skull's followers sets in motion a plan to ignite bombs in the hearts of Paris, London and Manhattan! Racing against the rapidly ticking clock, the Star-Spangled Avenger must not only solve the mystery of his nemesis' murder but also find the Cube before it can be used to rewrite reality! But who is the Winter Soldier - a lethal killer with an all-too-familiar face? The questions plaguing Captain America's dreams are answered in the most brutal way possible, tearing open old wounds and threatening to carve new scars that will never heal!

Collecting CAPTAIN AMERICA (2004) #1-9 and #11-14


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